Warriors Against Transgression
We are often faced with people who have no regard
for human life and who transgress against us. They occupy land that
doesn't belong to them and they devastate it with logging, mining,
polluting etc. They go as far as to pour toxins into people's water
supplies and poison entire communities without any regard for children
and people overall. Often when warriors go and physically stop them from
doing their illegal activity, the warriors are labeled as terrorist. The
media companies are usually in favor of the big companies devastating
land that they have no right to. Reporters for these bogus media
companies know how to ask questions and make comments portraying the
defenders of human life as terrorists while they portray themselves as
independent journalists.
It is important to have a clear understanding of the plan and not to
allow oneself as a warrior to cross a boundary that should never be
crossed no matter how desperate the situation may be. The media feeds on
such things. One shouldn't give them reason to feed on that. Today
anyone using means out of the means permitted by the government to
prevent evil action is considered terrorist and can be killed by the
police or military. The double standard here is that if warriors use
physical presence to secure a location and physically prevent illegal
logging, mining, toxic waste dumping or any such activity they are
labeled terrorists yet security service or establishment doing the same
or even being brutal are not labeled terrorists. It is important that
the warriors know how to answer the reporters from the bogus media
establishments and point out that the ones using intimidation and fear
as a means of achieving a goal are the companies transgressing and the
establishments backing them through the police, army, bogus media etc.
Transgressing against people and intimidating them with jail sentences
is no different from terrorists who use intimidation and fear as a means
of achieving goals.
When warriors due to growing desperation and lack of guidance cross
boundaries of conduct that must never be crossed, then they give the
media a reason to label than as terrorists and they loose credibility.
Chechnya is a small former Soviet Republic in the Russian Federation
that gained independence from Russia and then lost it's independence
again to Russia due to bad leadership and Russian imperialism. Shamil
Bashayev was a commander of the Chechen resistance against the Russian
occupation and during the independence he was a
military officer. He gained sympathy from many Russians and eastern
Europeans as well as some Western Europeans. When fighting broke out the
second time in Chechnya Russians shelled his house killing his wife and
children. The leadership in Chechnya split and Russians killed a number
of their leaders using long range missiles and tracking devices. A group
of Chechen surrendered to Russia and the difficulties of a guerilla
resistance grew. Shamil Bashayev and his men resorted to desperate
measures what many saw as terrorist activity. Their sympathizers in
Russia and in European countries didn't see a future for Shamil Bashayev
and his men. Shamil Bashayev got killed on June 10 2006 apparently in an
accidental explosion. From this we can see how easy it is in a difficult
situation to overstep boundaries that should not be overstepped. We can
also see here how one looses credibility and loses sympathy of the
common people who recognize the injustice one is struggling against.
Besides keeping within the boundaries of correct conduct warriors
need a good leadership. Bosnia is a former communist republic in
Southern Europe. During the 1990's Bosnian communist from Muslim
background were being ethnically cleansed by Christians and communists
from Bosnia as well as various European countries. In the 1990's during
the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia a group of Bosnians claiming to be
Muslims established a military unit within the Bosnian army. Their
leader Mahmoud Karalich was representing Islam and Islamic justice. Many
Muslims from Muslim countries joined his unit as volunteers. In his unit
he had two Algerian volunteers who were disobedient. They would argue
and fight and spill food on the ground out of anger and behave
inappropriately. He then had them executed applying communist military
rules. His applying of communist military rules was contradictory to
Islamic rules that he was claiming to stand for. Under Islamic law that
he claim to be representing, he could have told the two disobedient
Algerian volunteers that theirs type of services were not needed and
could have asked them to leave and go back to Algeria instead of having
them executed applying communist military rules on them. Mahmoud
Karalich lost credibility with Muslims and later he ended up on trial
for violations of human right. Just like individual warriors the warrior
leaders need to adhere to the principals that they stand for otherwise
they loose credibility.
In all situations regardless if they are war situations of civil
disobedience acts, warriors and their leaders need to adhere to rules
and principles that they stand for. They need to have a clear view of
what their agenda is and to be able to let everyone know about it. One
always needs to keep in mind that transgressing of any kind defeats the
purpose of trying to stop transgression.