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Converts and Reverts 

Salaamu Aleykum Sisters and Brothers,

On the Islamway.Com website a sister wrote about how she became Muslim. She was a missionary for a US based church sent to convert Natives in the jungles is in South America. Below is her posting. It's awkward that churches in the US send people to convert Natives in South America. For the past 500 years Spaniards have been enforcing church practice on the Natives in South America but the US based churches still send people to convert the people there to church going.

Here's what the sister wrote:

To all my sisters in Islam and those who are searching for "The right path". I praise Allah (swt) daily for Him guiding me to "The true religion i.e. way of life". Alhamdulillah for the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet (Salallahu Aleyhi wa Sallam).

First let me introduce myself to you, my birth name is Pamela but the name that I now go by is Huda, which means guidance from Allah (swt). I would like to share with you my reversion to the most beautiful religion...which really isn't a religion but rather a way of life, and how Islam has changed my life.

I was born into a Christian family and can not ever really remember not going to church and hearing about God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. In my family no matter how awful you had been during the week, no matter what sins you had committed during the week, Sunday was "the Lord's day", the day of rest, the day of honoring God...don't forget that included, Jesus and the Holy Ghost because all three according to the religion I followed were one.

After going to church for most of my life, I decided that I was going to give my life over to the Lord and have him save me from my sins and share the good news of Jesus with everyone. With that in mind, I did just that in 1971 at the age of 11yrs old. From that point on my mission in life was to call people to Christianity which I did with a fervor. Never mind that I had questions about the "trinity" or about who God really was or for that matter who Jesus was and where I as an individual fitted into the scope of things. I had a lot questions that needed answering but didn't seem to have an answer. Despite that, I accepted my beliefs by faith because that is what my parents did, and their parents and their parents before them.

After graduating from high school I went on to Bible College because I felt that my call in life was to be a missionary and go to South America and tell those "poor ignorant natives" astaghfirullah, that Christianity was the way of life, the only thing was that Allah (swt) had a different plan for me. While in school I realized that I didn't like Bible College after all and that I didn't want to go to the South American jungles and call people to Christianity, so as soon as the school year was up I packed my bags and headed back home and to my church in search of what was the real truth about God. Unfortunately even those with knowledge could not answer me about who God was exactly or who to really pray to. I didn't know whether to pray to God or Jesus and whether the Holy Ghost was just there to help me. As time went on I enrolled in another university, and this time it was a private university and one of the required courses was a class in Bible literature. Well I thought to myself this will be an easy A because I knew the Bible like the back of my hand...I found out yes, I knew my Bible but what I didn't know was that the Bible had two creation stories...which one was correct? What I didn't know was the Bible was full of inconsistencies, and what was the worst bit of information that I learned was that the Apostle Paul who I loved to pattern my life after, had not even met Jesus and yet the Christians at my church accepted what the Apostle Paul wrote in the Bible as Gospel. I will never forget my professor saying at the beginning of the class that the students who had taken her class in the past came in with an idea of what they knew to be true but when they left her class their faith was shaken by the truths and proofs that was there for all to see and upon close examination of studying the Bible as literature that there was indeed some inconsistencies, wow I knew this so called Christian professor was going to hell for having the nerve to even speak those words to the class. This was my limited analytical thinking about that particular class. However, the proof was right there for me to read in the Bible and what it said to me was that I needed to learn more about Christianity and that maybe I wasn't following the true religion after all.

That year became the year of my search for God, I enrolled in another class that covered the major religions of the world and Islam was one of the religions covered in this class. I read up on Islam, wrote a paper about Islam, and even thought that Islam sound wonderful...except... I couldn't get over the women in black! My thinking was that, this religion was good for the people over there but not here in the good ole USA, so I left the thought of even thinking about Islam as something I should pursue further.

Subhanu'Allah, as the Qur'an says, man plans but Allah (swt) is the best of planners, for truly Allah (swt) had other plans for me, plans that would change my life forever alhamdulillah!

I had just about given up on ever finding God, so I thought I would pray to God one day and then Jesus the next or maybe both by the help of the Holy Ghost. One day while on the internet I came across an article talking about Islam, and I said to myself, I remember reading something about Islam. I was so intrigued by this article that I wrote to the author of the article and asked him to send me information on Islam. I wanted to know what links to go to so that I could learn about Islam. Well the brother supplied me with some very good links. I will never forget the first link I went, masha'Allah, once there I stayed on the internet untill three o'clock in the morning. My mind became like a sponge, I became hungry for Islam I wanted more. I went to other sites where I would read words from a book called the "Qur'an". I had never read such beautiful words in my life masha'Allah. I needed to find this book called the Qur'an, the only problem was, that I didn't know any Muslims but I did know the library carried so many different books that just maybe I might be able to find this Qur'an that I was reading about.

Needless to say, I got the Qur'an and read the first chapter in English which said : "In the name of Allah, the most Gracious the most Merciful...Masha'Allah, those first words of the Qur'an touched my heart alhamdulillah. I still get chills down my spine when I think of these beautiful word, because they confirmed everything I ever thought about God. I read the first chapter of the Qur'an, 7 verses only, and the MOST POWERFUL WORDS I had ever read in my life! Those words touched my heart so completely that for once, me who had never been lost for words, became speechless! It was at that very moment that I knew that indeed Islam was the right path subhanhu'Allah!

Needless to say, after such an experience I went to the nearest Muslim gathering I could go to which was a Jummah (Friday prayer service) and had some of my final concerns and questions addressed. I left that meeting knowing that I was going to embrace Islam alhamdulillah! About three weeks later I made that was a beautiful March day, March 10, 2000 to be exact, that I embraced Islam. I was so excited about taking my shahadah (A'shad A'na La illaha il allah Muhammadan Rasulullah, there is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his final Messenger).

It was a day in my life I will never forget. I thank Allah (swt) for guiding me to Islam and giving me the opportunity to have a chance at making it to paradise. I praise Allah (swt) for the miracle of Islam, for it's beauty and for teaching me how to truly live and behave as a human being should. For you see in Islam all the questions in life are addressed and answered. So if you feel something tugging at your heart today, ask Allah (swt) for his guidance and accept a gift so freely given to mankind by the Creator himself!


Huda B~

Anonymous writes "You look at me and call me oppressed,
Simply because of the way I'm dressed,
You know me not for what's inside,
You judge the clothing I wear with pride,


















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